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Geyser Hacks: Lowers Your Electricity Bills With Smart Usage

Let’s know some reasons why you need to check the BEE rating label before buying any home appliance.

To reduce your electricity bills

Installing a 5-star rating water geyser can drastically reduce your electricity bills and increase your monthly savings.

To enhance your ROI

A well-rated water heater grows your savings and gives you a high return on investment,

To eliminate carbon footprints

Minimizing power consumption is the most essential thing to conserve natural resources and reduce the carbon footprints of our planet. That’s why it’s important to check the BEE rating.


Electricity saving tips 
Power savings guide 
In every household, a water geyser is an indispensable appliance that provides hot water for various purposes. However, the electricity consumption of traditional geysers can often lead to exorbitant utility bills. Fortunately, there are smart geyser hacks and energy-saving tips that can help you reduce your electricity usage and save money. In this blog, we will delve into selecting the best water geysers for your home, explore power-saving techniques, and provide a comprehensive power savings guide to empower you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and effectively lower your electricity bills.
Choosing the best water geyser for our homes is extremely crucial in order to consume less electricity. One click has some excellent, efficient and power saving geysers that will not be heavy on your pocket and will also save you money in the future. 
In addition to choosing an energy-efficient geyser, implementing the following electricity-saving tips can make a significant difference -
Optimal Water Temperature: The ideal water temperature should be set at the lowest setting necessary to meet your demands. Even a small reduction in temperature can result in significant energy savings.
Insulate Hot Water Pipes: Insulating the hot water pipes prevents heat loss while in transit, ensuring that hot water efficiently reaches the faucets. This easy action promotes energy conservation.
Regular Maintenance: Proper maintenance, such as periodic cleaning and descaling, ensures that the geyser operates at its optimum efficiency, reducing energy consumption and extending its lifespan.
Off-Peak Usage: In areas with time-of-use electricity tariffs, utilise off-peak hours to heat water, as the electricity rates are generally lower during these times. This can lead to significant cost savings.

Power Savings Guide: To maximise your geyser's energy efficiency and overall power savings, consider the following guidelines:
Set the thermostat at 50-60 degrees Celsius for daily usage. This temperature range provides comfortable hot water while minimising energy usage.
Opt for showers instead of baths, as showers consume less hot water. This can contribute to energy savings over time.
Consider installing flow restrictors or low-flow showerheads to reduce hot water consumption without compromising on water pressure or comfort.
Promptly repair any leaky faucets to avoid water and energy wastage. Even a small leak can result in significant energy losses over time.
Explore alternative options such as solar geysers or heat pump-based geysers. These systems utilise renewable energy sources and can lead to substantial electricity savings in the long run.

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